Dear Friend,
In the introduction to The Keys of Enoch ®, Dr Hurtak talks of the power of Light and Love:
The teachings of Enoch explain how we will truly transmute this world of material form to be consistent with the structural pattern of the “Living Light” within the Kingdom of Light, where both Man and Higher Man can freely commingle as “Life” within the “Living Light.” Although the entity forms of Light and the garments of biological form will change – Love will continue to reign supreme as the underlying expression of the “Living Light” – the primary emanation of the Infinite Mind on every level of universal being.
But how could this take place? We see it in the Cloth of Turin – where the cloth appears to show how the body of Jesus is being changed from matter to Light. This is a fascinating point if we are to understand the higher meaning behind this Easter holiday season.
On a contemporary scientific level, if we want to see how changing our thoughts to that of higher thinking of the Light, can redefine who we are, we can turn to the well-known aphorism of Hebb, 1949, that nerve ‘cells that fire together, wire together’, which gives us a hint as to how to begin to elevate our minds to that of a Higher Mind. The power of nerve cells that fire asynchronously is weakened and the power of those that fire together is strengthened, according to Ruthazer1 , on research done at McGill University in 2014.
The implication of this research is that when we keep reinforcing the same connection through repetition, it influences our behavior and response to the world. If we are perpetually stressed we release, amongst other hormones, cortisol, and this cascades into the entire system, keeping us in a continual ‘fight-or-flight’ state. If, however, we perpetually respond to the world with Love, oxytocin is released into the blood, increasing those feelings of Love as the hormone is carried throughout our body.
Part of the Buddhist practice of striving to end suffering and attain enlightenment, requires letting go of stress responses. In practicing non-attachment, negative feelings induced by cortisol are reduced and natural love, enhanced by oxytocin, permeates their entire being.
We, as an Ammi Shaddai (the Family of the Almighty), can become the cells that fire together if we are wired together through the sustained practice of unconditional love. The power of unconditional Love as propounded by most religions and philosophies has to a great extent been lost by humankind in the seeking of other gratifications associated with only the earthly realm. The resulting separation from the Infinite Mind is described in The Pistis Sophia: Text and Commentary 2 , as the cause of misery and subsequent suffering. If we wish to overcome the illusion of separation, we need to sustain unconditional Love with higher thoughts which rewires our brains and becomes the great secret to healing all things and also the answer to grasping the Light.
We bless you with the substance of Eternal Love, Theos Agape Estin
With Love and Blessings,
1 M. Munz, D. Gobert, A. Schohl, J. Poquerusse, K. Podgorski, P. Spratt, E. S. Ruthazer. Rapid Hebbian axonal remodeling mediated by visual stimulation. Science, 2014; 344 (6186): 904 DOI: 10.1126/science.1251593
2 Hurtak, J.J. and Desiree Hurtak (1999) Pistis Sophia: Text and Commentary. Los Gatos: Academy For Future Science.