Dear Friend,
With cloning being very much on the scientific agenda, many have asked whether a cloned being would have a soul. Of course, if it could breathe and live it would have the lower soul, or Nephesh, which every living creation has. But would it have an evolutionary soul capable of going on to other worlds and other embodiments. Therefore, there is a danger of engineering the physical codes, to the extent of producing whole armies simply as cannon fodder, or fighters without conscience, or drones without empowerment.Was this what happened to Atlantis and other previous civilizations? Did they reach a point where they interfered with their own evolutionary code structure which lead to the demise of their species?
The Keys of Enoch® , Key 2-0-2, tells us: just as there is a triplet of divine letters (the God Code as some have called it) of Yod, Hey, and Vav (also called Wod), there is also a triplet of codons or basic genetic components in our DNA. And this mystery divides itself uniquely into sixty-four divisions, both genetically for the body below, as well as for the Divine Name.
This is too profound to be a simple coincidence. Do you really believe that this code structure was the result of happenstance evolution and that it came about only by trial and error. The Keys of Enoch, tell us the blueprint is too simply too specific.
This touched even the original researchers, Watson and Crick. One of these two Noble Peace Prize winners began to search for the existence of a higher code structure. The Prescripts Institute and the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California, are still searching for the code that could connect inter-species evolution such as the dolphin to man. However, we need to look at the inter-species connection of man to higher intelligence; higher intelligence to divine intelligence.
What we will soon find is that the code itself does not make any sense unless it is connected with other links of a cosmic code which covers more specie forms.
With Love and Blessings,

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