Dear Friend,
We believe there is life somewhat similar to ours on countless other planets. Very recently the evidence of planets orbiting various stars has actually been documented by astronomers, and the numbers are climbing. If there are so many other planets, we certainly cannot be the only life forms in the universe. But how did we get here?
We are told in the scriptures that we are made into the “image and similitude” of God (Genesis 1:26). It is not the static image we have of ourselves. The divine image is an open-ended image, because it comes from an open-ended mind. This means that its potential has an infinite number of variations, or diversities beyond what the human mind can comprehend.
In The Keys of Enoch® , K1-0-1 affirms that we are part of an open-ended universal image. This open-ended universal image is created to perpetuate the divine image in myriad cosmic variations to suit diverse worlds that are populated in the divine image, spanning many dimensions.
The New Testament scriptures teach us that although this body of flesh is corruptible, it has the potential of going into incorruptibility. Just as the divine thought-form that originally created all life can be transcribed into a chemical format, so this format can be up-graded chemically. The upgrading is conditional upon spiritual growth, which is growth, which is growth into the similitude.
Higher intelligence uses planets as temporary embryological nesting sites for DNA intelligence and interstellar migration. Through the development of DNA nesting, thus, we can expand or extend the life span, the life scope and the life typology, to become symbiotic or transferable to other astrophysical higher intelligent environments.
The DNA/RNA contains the outline of the course of Adamic evolution, but the messenger pulse, or pre-coding mechanism must be seen within the greater blueprint of the Tree of Life, so we know where we have come from and where we are going, for the Adam Kadmon (divine image of humanity) cannot be separated from life in the universe any more than we can be separated from time past, present and future.
With Love and Blessings,

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