Dear Friend,
Solomon is famous for his great wisdom, remembered by most of us as his special ability to use his judgment with an exquisite wisdom beyond arbitration. You surely remember the case where two women each claimed to be the mother of a baby, so he offered to cut the baby in two and give each one a half. Immediately the true mother said she would rather the other woman have the baby, than have it killed, revealing herself as the real mother.
Wisdom is not knowledge, but more the ability to have great insight in how to choose from the accumulated knowledge you may have for problem solving and forging ahead in life. It is a very thought-provoking subject and we will not deal with it in a philosophical way, but rather with deep understanding.
The message of Enoch is that we can connect with the higher wisdom and the beings of Light from the higher worlds, who love to give us their wisdom. The Seraphim particularly, know just what level of wisdom is associated with the consciousness of each planet, and they also have the mandate to protect the greater Wisdom and the holy seed, or those who have the wisdom to understand their divine inheritance.
Wisdom does not work alone, but requires the faith of wisdom and the transforming energies of Love, the Christ energies, to complete its mission, and so we read in Key 318:66—
“Finally, it was Jesus of the Office of the Christ and the Order of Melchizedek who bore witness to the fallen Lords and light entities who were in the greatest regions of turbulence so that they, through the Father’s Grace might speed up their time outside the higher veils of Light.”
The scriptures are the source of the knowledge we require to receive the true wisdom. In the Enochian work, the scriptures include all Holy Books, from the East with all its different traditions, the Bible and all the scriptures that have been hidden in the Earth which are now being discovered.
For those who believe there is no scripture other than the Bible, we quote out of the Bible itself. The Gospel of John ends in Chapter 21:25— “There are, in fact, many other things also which Jesus did which if ever they were written in full detail, I suppose, the world itself could not contain the scrolls written.” John clearly points out that the Gospels, as we have them today, are not a complete and final record of the teachings and life work of Jesus the Christ. What world could contain the fullness of the Christ!
One such document of the teachings of Jesus, given to his disciples, both male and female, is the Pistis Sophia, mentioned in Key 110:36—
“The Pistis Sophia, conceived in Hebrew thought-patterns rendered into Greek and Coptic is one of the great Gospels, for it is a true witness of the mysteries of the language Jesus used to call down his higher Body of Light in the presence of his initiated disciples. It shows how Jesus is the synthesis of the thirty-two chemical building blocks of intelligence within the Mystery of the Logos seen as the Lak Boymer, the Pillar of Light which calls down the Christ Body through the thirty-third degree to inhabit the Jesus Body.”
This scripture also teaches how the higher wisdom fell into the lower worlds and through repentance and the forgiveness of the Christ could be redeemed and made fit to go back to the higher worlds. “Pistis Sophia” means the Faith of Wisdom, signifying that faith has to have that higher wisdom; it is not sufficient unto itself. Pistis Sophia is portrayed as a feminine entity, and in the teachings the disciples were involved in a dialogue with Jesus the Christ in His Light Body. He very clearly relegates to nothingness all the religious chauvinism of the importance of the male over the female, and the female disciples show that they have the lead in understanding what He is teaching. From the Pistis Sophia commentary by Dr. J.J. Hurtak:
“In order to put the inner and outer together, we must seek as Christ to break the old cycle and acquire the higher Wisdom (Chokmah, Sophia) to discover the I AM THAT I AM of the Father’s Name, the Divine Presence that will receive us as a son or daughter of God regardless of our being born Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, etc. Wisdom in its highest Divine state is the radiant power of God used for the preparation and promotion of creation, so that we may understand and be received into the Family and the nature of the Godhead.
The teaching of the Pistis Sophia was given to open the gates that have been closed and to fuse the Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods of Humanity with the Brotherhoods/Sisterhoods of Light. For this to occur the Christed Overself, the higher body, must dome with the human self so that the higher I AM presence of the Father can conjoin with our I AM consciousness presence, reuniting us into the I AM THAT I AM. Is this not what the Order of Melchizedek and the teachings of the ancient master of Kabbalah are all about?
No matter what the state of the soul and how insignificant it might think its Light powers, if it uses the True Name(s) of God, asking that the Light presence come forth, nothing is too overbearing or impossible for its evolution, growth and resurrection. This is the message of the Faith (Pistis) of Pistis Sophia, who knows that her repentances will be heard by the great Light that comes with the Name of the True God ( Ha Shem) in remaking and redesigning even within the words of darkness.
Now we are shown that a whole new Light cycle will manifest from the Height, namely from the High Command of the Infinite Mind of God, from the Higher Councils of Light. …We are destined to become Eternal. Our physical body will become part of the Eternal Light transforming all the children of Light through the Light Power from above.”
With Love & Blessings,

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