Dear Friend,
One of the key questions separating science and religion is: do we believe the scientists who propound a theory of evolution, or do we accept the biblical model of a divine creation?
The Keys teach that it is not a matter of “either/or,” but that both views can be accommodated in the higher understanding that we are not simply a product of this small planet on the edge of our galaxy.
It is indisputable that this planet is over 6,000 years old; also indisputable is the fact that the biblical Adam and Eve were not the first humans to be placed on this life station. Over the aeons, many models of life have been seeded onto this planet, and many earth changes have buried them. These earlier cycles may account for many of the fossils being discovered today.
All life has an evolutionary tendency toward better and better accommodation and adaptation to particular environments and life needs. Human life, however, has had many upgradings—by a Divine intelligence— not extraterrestrials—for it was created to have a greater and faster evolutionary path towards spirituality under a cosmic law of free choice. Therefore, we need to learn what choices to make. As a result of the fall, programmers of a negative ethic have taken control of the star gates to the earth and have kept most of humanity ignorant in order to serve their own goals.
Key 106 differentiates between the lower evolution controlled by the fallen star systems, and those who recognize that our Cradle of Humankind is the constellation of the Pleiades. In fact, it is not only the Cradle, but also a Throne world, which is a cycle of inception and graduation of the specie. The Adamic creation is able, within considerably short periods of time to evolve to higher life stations.
Thus, in the present humanity, there are two evolutionary tracks, living side by side, and from the outside indistinguishable. So, we must choose to focus on the spiritual evolution. Key 317:27-28 tells us: 27 “Here the physical creation is no longer separated from the divine Ain Soph because of the fall of the last aeon, but is restored through the Christ Light penetrating the flesh, and the Divine Light penetrating the Overself, so that both perfected spiritual and physical bodies become one in the sight of the Father. 28 A whole new specie is being created at this time by the bringing together of the Adamic Overself-human creation which will allow this spiritual-biological expression of the Christ Race to be advanced to the next consciousness time zone of creation.”
His Christ Race is what was meant in the beginning of this letter when we spoke about the human evolution being upgraded much faster than the other life forms on the planet. However, this higher race is not known to the scientists who try to link man to the animalistic evolution, and thus keep his consciousness earthbound. This delusion of our true nature is further addressed in Key 306:38: “Hence, these false Masters came to this planet and taught a false science of ‘progressive evolution’ to the scientific teachers on the planet. In essence, since that time, the vibratory levels upon this planet are subject to ‘retrogressive evolution.’ Yet, in the quest for a purer ‘planting of Divine Light,’ man can reach through Metatron and the Hosts that Light which is possible to restore a shining Adamic intelligence to this local universe.”
The true science tells us how changes occur that lift us out of the entropic cycles of retrogressive evolution into the centropic functions of the higher Light.
The Keys also tell us that there is a corpus design of the Adamic models which can be directly radiated, irrigated and pulsated into life, establishing the Adamic family without going through evolution. So evolution can occur over myriads of years, billions of years, through amino acids, through the oozings within the crust of the earth, giving us the Peking Anthropus, the gigantic Peking Man, the Mega-anthropus, or gargantuan man. In fact, there has been recent proof submitted at the 2001 world conference and exhibit, “Unsolved Mysteries,” in Vienna, Austria giving us evidence of the root races that evolved on this and other planets during the first six aeons of the Father’s plan.
But those pathways can also be circumvented by the Sons of Light who are able to just appear upon the planet. The people of Light are found among all nations, among all groups and they shall be as a flame of Light and they shall be pulled into the higher spiral of Light as it dawns as a pillar upon the Earth as it did in the time of Moses, and Aaron, and the sons of Israel, B’nai Israel.
With Love & Blessings,

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