It must be remembered when considering its prophetic statements that The Keys of Enoch® was first published in 1973 following the physical biolocation of the author into a higher state of existence during the New Year period of 1972-73, an experience which is fully described in the introduction to this unique work. While under the protection of a “Light being” who identified himself as the biblical Enoch (the seventh patriarch from Adam), and later with the angelic being called Metatron, the author states that the information now published in The Keys was coded directly into his brain through scenario abstracts or light-pictures.
Many of the myriad scientific predictions contained in The Keys have since been validated. For example, the statement by Enoch in The Keys that tells us “our universe began on a spiral rather than a steady state or Big Bang,” is one definitive precursor (written in 1973) of scientific theory related to the self-reproducing inflationary universe brought forth as a working model in the 1990’s.
The first three “keys” (1-0-1, 1-0-2, 1-0-3), in fact, refer specifically to an “open-ended universe,” and it is most interesting to note that some eleven years after their publication, Professor John Schwartz of the California Institute of Technology, as guest lecturer, addressed a Winter School for Physics symposium in Israel on the universe as being “finite but unbounded”–which was recorded in the press at the time as one of the first lectures ever on this new concept.
Other Keys predictions relate to such subjects as thermodynamics, astrophysics, anthropology, biophysics, subatomic physics, magnetism, solar and other new power sources, zero point energy, psychotronics, medicine and healing, earth cataclysms, archaeology, and galactic events, including the location in 1978 by scientists at the California Institute of Technology of a “compact object that shoots out matter and energy along a narrow jet six light years long” (Key 1-0-6).
The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch®also brings forth the position that cosmogonic activity created “physical matter” and the physical universe at a much later date than cosmologists had speculated until similar data came back from the Hubble Space Telescope. Now it is believed that the universe is only 10-14 billion years old, a far cry from the 20 billion year dating that most astrophysics had for a long time comfortably accepted.
Closer to home, The Book of Knowledge, relates extensively to the land of Egypt and especially the Great Pyramid, which “is an enlarged duplicate of the carbon atom.” This was confirmed by the notable Swiss theoretician Jules Muheim. Prof. Muheim agrees with The Keys of Enoch®when it indicates that the Great Pyramid is also the magnetic model of the human body and “contains the mathematics of the human heart beat” in stone. Similar unique crystalline, pyramidal forms can also be found in our human blood in particles containing all the mathematics of DNA-RNA which makes physical life possible on this planet.

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