Copyright © 1997 The Academy For Future Science
Let us understand that the sacred texts are not merely for the past, but are brought forth in the fullness of “Truth” for our lifetime and in fulfillment of our destiny. We are beginning to see the signs, not only of higher intelligence, but we are able to use scientific measurements to understand the reality of a spiritual Higher Intelligence. This intelligence appears to be working through all peoples on the planet, not only through key leaders, but through all peoples in all walks of life who are trying to make a positive change that will bring us through our own apocalyptic moment in history, where we will all change in the twinkling of an eye.
We have the ability to understand the revealed blueprint of how the spiritual and the scientific consciousness, the Eastern and the Western movements of thought, the Overself or meta-programming and Human self-awakening can come together in a balance of “Christed Love” and interplanetary brotherhood and sisterhood. No matter how difficult it has been in the past for people to work together, we will at last master that ability to overcome our limited circumstances and “rise to the occasion” and see why we are a part of this greater brotherhood, this greater Order of Melchizedek that has called us together to be baptized with the “Dove,” the power of collective transformation.
As we grow in spiritual truth, it is necessary to recognize that the potential for divine instruction is already within each of us. There is also a collective revealed blueprint that has been handed down to us through sacred scriptures for many thousands of years. First, we are to start with a holistic vision of the Father and our little planet surrounded by a Hierarchy of cosmic teachers, and the Holy Spirit as a continuing experience of Life connected not with one but many evolutions. As we develop in our Love and understanding of the higher worlds, we will be blessed with experiencing the gifts of Spirit and we will realize that what many call “historic metaphors” are, in truth, scientific realities! These realities actually exist and are not imaginary. These realities are the “openings” of the inner and outer boundaries of our own planetary evolution, whereby we graduate into the firsthand experience of other Sons and Daughters of higher dimensional Light. We are Spacekind [translation note: like mankind] when we transcend the entropy of our planetary system.
The sacred challenge before us now is to inspire the fabric of humanity that can take upon themselves the daily work and worship, that is, to pray, meditate, work, study, and to actually prepare humanity for the greater changes that will involve the entirety of the Earth that will come with the opening of new consciousness realities. So tremendous will be these changes that science and much of our traditional spiritual philosophy and psychology will become obsolete overnight. And because of the traditional conditionings of education, religion, responsibility, or lack of it, those who are unprepared will try to change their bodies rather than their minds into a collective “virtual reality.”
Unfortunately, at first, the shifting of the real ground state of Western civilization will be understood only by the few (people) who are genuinely willing to make changes. Most people, will not take on the greater responsibility to make real sacrifices to bring about a plan of co-operation through Love for humanity unless his or her own reality structure is at a crisis where a change must occur. And so the Higher Intelligence or “Higher Evolution” in subtle ways are making themselves known to people throughout the planet through a long orientation phase.
People ask where and when will the real changes take place? I was told that they will take place in all major regions of the planet and in all major institutions of structure and control. We must be aware, however, that until the structure of duality is broken, whenever the “Light” manifests, the darkness also tries to make an appearance. Whenever “Peace” is present, then chaos is also tries to gain its control. But it is up to us to break this structure of duality, by changing the way we think and act about each other and we must live by being examples of the greater Light at all times. We must show how we as individuals, as well as a collective force, can work together in a Fellowship of planetary citizens — then it will be clear that we can work as cosmic citizenship with the higher brotherhoods and sisterhoods.
Then what must be our basic groundwork? It is revealed in five basic principles.
First, we must be able to reflect a divine communion — to share Love with the Living Eternal God of Gods, to co-share in the work of Christ who extends the Divine Love across space and time, through the divine power of the Holy Spirit or “the Shekinah.” We, thus, are to see ourselves as part of the Celestial Family working for the process of creative renewal.
Second, we should take upon ourselves the privilege of daily self-reflection, private prayer and meditation that can be applied also with sacred music and sacred sounds in developing not a self-centered, but a collective “language of the Holy Spirit” that can truly open the paraphysical doors of cross-talk between consciousness levels of creative experience.
Third, we should continue to study the sacred teachings from the ancients who also experienced the Godhead directly, who experienced “the Shekinah” (the active “Presence” of the Divine) working through them. In studying these teachings, we strengthen and reflect on our own guiding principles as doorways of knowledge. We also realize the Divine did not go out of business with the theological councils and authorities, but “continues” to work with us through the inner-dimensional doors of perception.
Fourth, we should share in fellowship in seminars and symposia with brothers and sisters. We are to be as active “pillars of Light,” reflecting a spiritual trans-cultural experience, while maintaining the guiding principles within ourselves. We must rise beyond the personality games and share in the greater goal of experiencing unity and fellowship, accepting the Light as it works in all our brothers and sisters without condemnation, but with divine discernment. Thus, we share in the greater goals of learning to share with a global family as it extends to new worlds.
Fifth, we must reflect positive thinking and healing through the Holy Spirit (Shekinah). We must be part of that small percent that will always “choose to be chosen” — who will always choose to think positively or problem solve rather than the bulk of humanity choosing to be in the negative unconscious. This is a reflection of our spiritual endowment that we possess which allows us to interact more meaningfully and more closely with others.
As we work throughout the world, we must recognize that there are those light workers in each quarter of the earth that have come together to harness their energies, to activate the grids of ancient knowledge, of technical knowledge, of higher knowledge so that the fullness of the Hierarchy (of super-civilizations) and planetary pilgrims alike can manifest the Light on planet earth. Thus, as we see the challenge before us, we “rise to the occasion,” we overcome those moments of fear and doubt. The vicissitudes of traditional dualistic thoughts are largely behind us. For we now clearly envision our own extraterrestrial imperative of ultimately moving off of a singular planet Earth.
We will find ourselves as cosmic catalysts prepared for the greater work of connecting the beginning and end of history! We are building an educational infrastructure through the achievements of a deeper knowledge. We are putting together the basic building blocks of opening the higher faculties of the mind. The Left side of the mind is now activated with the Right. This gives us the ability to learn through visualization. This learning comes through pictographs and not through linear sentence structures. We learn through color, the subtle colors of a new consciousness physics, and not black and white reality structures.
Thus, we must also experiment with new teaching alternatives which contribute to the development of the mind and our ability to interact with our environment through visual/sound stimuli. The intellectual capacities of normal human beings are so incomplete in their development that there must occur an increased ability to reach deeper into the human creative consciousness and to bring out the spiritual capacity of seeing on higher levels of consciousness.
It is clear, at present, that those who work with the higher intelligence and higher forms of meditation and visualization are going through a bio-mutation that is shaped by the very thought-forms of new language. The difference in this language is in the way that information is now being received and processed by the tri-brain using additional membrane unfoldment. Language here has deeper implications for it is “language through color and visualization having living content and experience” expressed omnidirectionality (in all directions). It is our fundamental human right to develop this capacity to think on higher levels, to think on divine levels, to use telethought communication processes. Even extraterrestrial intelligences that may only be a few generations more advanced than we, and that have been seen since the 1950’s, appear to have, in addition to our primitive brain stem, cerebral cortex, and cerebellum, a fourth brain nodule that is a micro-crystalline extension of the brain’s neurological wetware. This seems to have been developed for their communication processes.
Along with this heightened sense of language, this ability to see invisible things becoming visible, must also come the development of the ability to discern right from wrong, positive and negative intelligences in dealing with the “externalization” of the Hierarchy. In terms of discernment, one has to develop the understanding of the higher elements of prophecy that warn us of wars that will take place also in the heavens.
In summation, let us think of ourselves like the Essenes, preparing the scrolls, coming together to develop a community, working together in the greater fellowship of Light. Let us behold the higher priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek, the sacred metaphor in the New Testament book of Hebrews reflecting higher sacred science in the universe, with the understanding that we are the “Way-showers.” Let us be aware of our own deep introspection into the levels of higher consciousness that are necessary. Even in our daily mundane work, we can also ponder on the Divine through His Holy Names and Holy Wonders.
Let us recognize that the “Keys” of Future Knowledge mean essentially the keys to opening the terrestrial and celestial doors together, the keys that connect our planet with the higher heavens. Ultimately, these are the keys that will allow us to enter into the Tree of Life which is our central focal point of ongoing team-work and unity of consciousness in the higher worlds of Light. We cannot accomplish this by simply looking for automatic answers, the universe is far too complex.
Thus as spiritual pilgrims, we must not look simply at the externals, but rather to the point of crystallization of the inner-mind where we shift our own mind-set. We must work with the internalization of the Word of God and build up the Light within us, through the power of the Word and the music of the soul. Then will we actively work as a spiritual synergy in the world. Then we can begin to activate the energy grids of the planet which are connected to the untapped mental energies; then we will know how to handle the energy imbalances of the psychological and psychic games that take place on the planet at the expense of true Wisdom.
Finally, we must always work in the greater Fellowship, in the communion of saints, where collective affirmations are made, with prayers, and where healings can take place. This is where the music and Sacred Names and Expressions are used to kindle energy in abundance.
Those who “Choose to be chosen” will take the higher pathway which will transform the world. This is the way of complete service to the Father’s plan, one thousand percent (1000%). In all of this, may the brothers and sisters rejoice. May the “oil” or the christening of the Christ consciousness be upon our heads and may the fullness of miracles abound. May we be united with all our hearts, with all our minds, and with all our souls. May our Divine Father, in all of His Names, the Eternal Image, Jesus Christos, and the Holy Spirit, the active “feminine aspect” of the Godhead, be now restored within us — and unite us in every way to prepare for the cosmic Fellowship — that comes quickly.
Let our affirmations go forth now as we build an educational infrastructure. For we are an active part of the Age of the Holy Spirit which allows our Spirit to reach from one end of the planet to another, as a network for the foundation of the Order of Melchizedek.

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