Dear Friend,
In Key 3-1-3: 36 we read,
Man, too, has mind over matter abilities, and an infinite resourcefulness in the interplay of Light when he seeks the Treasury of Light that Metatron reveals from the richness of Light beyond physical limitation.
A good case for the claim of ‘mind over matter’ took placed during NASA’s probes of our planetary neighbors in the early 1970s by the Pioneer 10 and 11 space craft, and then later by NASA’s Voyager l and 2 space probes of 1979. Scientists confirmed a striking observation of ‘drawings of rings around Jupiter’ that were made by American psychic Ingo Swann and recorded in his notebook, shown to government scientists before the probes were launched and the knowledge of the rings of Jupiter were known. Similar studies were made, by psychic researcher Harold Sherman, of telepathic contact with astronaut Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14) while he was in space that was later confirmed as an accurate transmission of information. The purpose of these experiments were (1) to try to ascertain if long-distance remote viewing could extend to very far distances like other planets; and (2) to analyze how exact the impressions became when shared from space, in comparison to studies made on Earth. Clearly we are at a time when the latent powers of the mind, memory, analysis, and intuition are being confirmed by the rigors of new scientific approaches and should be recognized as providing evidence of a “Mind-2″ reality mentioned in the Keys of Enoch® that can transcend normal psychological and scientific boundaries and see into our future!
Enoch said, “The mind is localized in consciousness; consciousness is not localized in the mind.”This would reinforce the power of the placebo effect for example. The power of suggestion is not to be trifled with. Like any power it can be used negatively and positively as indicated by Credo Mutwa in “The Voice of Africa” DVD. The fallen forces can interfere with our thought-forms if we are not spiritually vigilant. The more one has the higher knowledge, the more one’s thought-forms attract wholesome Light. We can invite the Shekinah to activate ‘divine consciousness’ within our bodies. We have reached the time where it is imperative that we work with our Overself into our Light Body to overcome the ‘negative drag’. In addition, we need to connect with the Divine Whole Light Beings and the Higher Thought-forms, which have been brought to us from the Elohim. And this we do through the Divine Names, which focus our attention on spiritual growth. However, we too need to engage in study, contemplation, meditation, prayer and working in community in order to use positive energy for the benefit of humankind.
May our Thought-forms blossom forth from the “bottom-below consciousness” in the vibration of Eloah Selichot.
With Love and Blessings,