Become the rider upon the heavenly realms on a meditative journey through the vibratory geometric Starwheels. Ascend into the brilliant color radiations of the Gates of Light! Experience the ‘Wheels Within Wheels’ as the mandalas unfold to reconnect to the greater Overself reality. Through musical frequencies of axiatonal music we open our hearts of compassion, as we are prepared to behold the Messengers of Light. They beckon us to enter the future worlds of light, revealing the sacred pathways of ascension in union with the Divine Mind and realms of Infinite Splendor.
“The Starwheels offer a tantalizing glimpse into the galaxies of consciousness whirling within our being.” -AYA
The new cosmogenesis as shown through the interplay of the planetary pilgrim journeying through the sacred areas of the world. This leads to the discovery of Whole Light Beings who guide us into a higher integration of body, mind and spirit which is necessary for the next stage of Life — the Light Body of the quickening experience. It is they who help us cultivate a cosmic Tree of Life in our moments of deep meditation.
Running time approx. 30 minutes. Not Rated. Suited for most audiences.
View a three minute sample of Gates of Light:
Gates of Light Gallery

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