Jumalallisen Äidin lukemattomista ilmaisuista valitut seitsemänkymmentäkaksi Pyhää Nimeä
according to the study by Dr. J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D.
copyright © 1998 J.J. Hurtak
Please do not copy this list to other places on the internet, onto paper, or onto audio/video devices. If you are interested in using it, you may link to this page.
This study is connected with The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® and is intended to be an ecumenical study. Therefore, for other expressions in various languages: see also our pages on the Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek expressions of the Divine to provide additional study. We encourage you to do your own research as well.
The purpose of this page is to allow those who so desire to study the Divine Names throughout the Scriptures. Before studying this section we must acknowledge that there are more than these few Names of Divine Mother provided in Vedic literature.
Remember, these words are sacred words and should be treated with respect.
Collected from ancient sources and arranged for liturgical setting of chanting and responses by J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D.,
Adyayai namah
Ayelet Ha Shachar
Ambayai namah
Ananda rupayai namah
Apara karunabhavayai namah
Atma ahlada dayinyai namah
Auset Isis
Batuat Hazedek
Beit Hamatmon
Cli Haira
Cli Hacavod
Citisakti diiptayai namah
Duritacharinyai namah
Dukhanivarinyai namah
Em Hamashiach
Habetula Haneemana
Hamarpeh Lacholim
Hamolca Shehorta Batom
Hamolca Shehualta Lashamayim
Hanocham Hasovlim
Hebetula Hachanuna
Hebetula Raba Hajekolet
Hored Hanistav
Hitpaleli Beadeinu
Ilat Simchateinu
Jagadanandakarinyai namah
Jagattrayahitaisinyai namah
Jatyayanyai namah
Kuan-Yin Shin-wen
Loka vanditayai namah
Mahavidiyayai namah
Malcat Ha’avot
Malcat Hamalachim
Malcat Hamodianim
Malcat Haneviim
Malcat Hasdadim
Malcat Hashlichim
Malcat Ateret Horadim
Malcat Habetulot
Malcat Hashalom
Malcat Kol Kukadoshim
Maria Sophia
Mayayai namah
Moshav Habina
Munindra hritpadmaguhaviharinyai
Nityayai namah
Padmayai namah
Parambayai namah
Piyhusa varsinyai namah
Prayai namah
Sansara samudra tarinyai namah
Sarvagatayai namah
Sha’ar Hashamaim
Sivadayai namah
Sri sadgurorhridayasthitayai namah
Svarupa salinyai namah
Tarayai namah
Tapatrayahantrayai namah
Trailokya vanditayai namah
Trayambaka patnyai namah
Vidhayai namah
Our work is ecumenical. For other expressions in various languages see:
Hebrew-Aramaic Sacred Names and Greek Sacred Names.
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