The rediscovery of our “true origin” is the authentic marriage between the “story of life” past and present and the trajectory of the “future history” of humankind.
Rediscovering the origin of modern humankind is seen by most through a series of discoveries of the earlier fragments of proto-Homo erectus called “Toumai” by Lake Chad (approx. seven million years ago), traditionally also at Lake Rudolf in former Tanganyika by the Leakeys (approx. 1.7 million years ago), and, more recently, Homo floresiensis on the island of Flores in Indonesia (approx. 18,000 to 800,000 years ago). I received some of the original pictures in 1969 directly from Mary Leakey on her find.
In this issue of our journal, Barbara Epstein and Roger Palmer, Academy researchers in South Africa, explore the updates being made through newly discovered evidences, including our work at the historic Cradle for Humankind close to the Academy’s Center near Johannesburg. The authentic picture of human evolution within Africa is clearly the hook which connects other continental land masses together as once part of the center of the ancient supercontinent called “Gondwanaland”.
Most interesting is the evidence in South Africa of one of the largest footprints ever recorded near 31 degrees East Longitude (validating plate 15 in The Keys of Enoch® ).
Unfortunately, very few anthropologists and archaeologists are aware that beyond the hominide species upon the planet, there are ancient written records of ‘giants’ throughout the world. In Western history, The Book of Enoch comes to mind — written in ancient Ethiopic and found by Sir James Bruce in the 18th century after centuries of burial. Chapters 7, 15 and 16 of The Book of Enoch give a detailed history of the “giants”, said to be offspring of the fallen ones who intermarried with the daughters of humankind, producing a race of giants who destroyed the animals, drank the blood of humankind, and caused much destruction in the environment. This was so devastating that a cry went up from the earth to the archangelic realms of the heavens. In turn, the archangels Michael and Gabriel intervened and rescued the remaining righteous of the earth by destroying the giants.
We know today that the Enoch material was synthesized and re-synthesized from about 134 B.C.E. to well into the first century C.E. by pious writers of various communities: the Qumran, the Covenanters, and branches of the Orthodox Judaic communities (see last schematic in The Keys of Enoch® ). Only today are we beginning to understand the finer particulars, namely, that the scribes and collectors of this most ancient wisdom and anthropological tradition were those who understood the reality and exploits of the Nephilim (giants), and that the victory of the true hierarchy connects human history with the House of Many Mansions.
— J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D
Winter 2010, Series 6 Volume 5
Ex Africa simper aliquid novi? Part 1
Barbara Epstein & Roger Palmer
Tischrede: The Blueprint of the Earth Man: Out of the Lower Depths
J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D.
Ex Africa simper aliquid novi? Part 2
Barbara Epstein & Roger Palmer

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