The major battle of the 21st century will be the fight to understand the pluralism on planet Earth and ultimately in the universe. The cultural diversity of our species is one of our principal treasures. The traditional tensions between cultures are a result of the “dichotomy between the normative and the empirical reality.”
Humanity must transmute individualism into community. Community is too frequently misunderstood as simply an atypical lifestyle agenda. However, its higher meaning stresses the interconnectedness between the knowledge of nature and the transcendent happiness that comes with profound insights into human nature. For example, we already broke through to new dimensions of understanding when we established species-wide communication on planet Earth. This world-wide communication shatters the two-dimensional games of power that had been built into the material fabric of human existence. Breakthroughs in telecommunications have not only led us into the discovery of new technologies and sustainable life advancements, but have awakened us to understand our diversity and variance as participants in the global humanity.
When we see old scenarios repeating themselves, we must overcome the frightening aspects of life and the “end of times” mindset by knowing that we are here as a spiritual “united nations”. Our own diversity should lead us to the next step of thinking “cosmically,” opening our minds to the possibility of planetary work together as a consciousness force at our own grass roots level of being. Even when we realize that the world as we know it is rapidly changing, we can prepare for vast changes by taking an active, positive role in setting the agenda for a 21st century society, being open to positive futures and the creation of a society that bears little resemblance to what was considered possible thirty years ago!
The experience of understanding our diversity leads us away from the individualist’s inner awakening of the mind into a greater collective cosmic knowledge of Divinity. It is breaking away from the personal world of the mind as the center of a micro-universe into an understanding of the myriad unfoldings of the Godhead which reveals not only tremendous power, but a higher purpose. And as we become greater vessels for bringing Light into this world, we think of the words of Christ who spoke of making of ourselves a light with these words: “Let your light so shine…that they may see your good works, and give glory to your Father which is in heaven.”
— J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D.

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