I have been cautioning people for over thirty-five years against exploiting our natural resources through globalization and unbridled economic forces—to stop doing harm to planet Earth. Little has changed and exploitation continues, and I predicted in The Keys of Enoch® that a profound crisis would occur if humanity did not wake up. Humans are creatures that have only flourished since their adaptation to specific temperature ranges and sea level consistencies. Eating and even breathing remind us of our dependence on the cycles of nature. With every breath we owe gratitude to planet Earth and its nature.
With our unique freedom, however, we have forgotten how reliant and dependent we are on the rest of creation. The patterns of behavior and industry that we establish for ourselves are becoming more and more often at odds with the ecological cycles upon which they rely. These cycles have their own time scales that we cannot change; particularly important are the times required for nature’s regenerative processes. Humanity will become more and more entangled in its fatal downward spiral, if the economy is allowed to continue the globalization process on its own.
Just as Teilhard de Chardin, as well as The Keys of Enoch® predicted, elements of science without consciousness will drag humankind into increasingly deeper crises, hopelessness and despair. Accelerated climate change has brought us to a major crisis (see Nature Magazine, Feb 9, 2009) and demonstrates dramatically the disruption that comes when the human agency violates natural processes. If we claim that global warming was not intended, and that for a long time we did not realize what we were doing, we must now acknowledge that we have been warned by nature herself about persisting in what amounts to denial of the life signs necessary for our own future.
Scientific breakthroughs in providing new energy, fuel and food resources are a major part of the solution. The development of consciousness will help us understand the changes we are causing to the Mother Earth. In the spirit of a new type of scientific and environmental solidarity The Academy researchers and social thinkers are trying to help bring forth a consciousness awakening. It is now socially acceptable to pursue collectively a new type of global village based on new ecology and communication tools in building a positive future that can be modeled around the world.
In all of this, there is a vast paradigm taking place now on all levels. Great sacrifices from each of us must now be made for new breakthroughs in alternative consciousness, clean-technology, etc., that can help a new harvest of life with your support as we prepare for the vision of plentitude and ‘parousia’ (“coming”) from the House of Many Mansions.
—J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D
Spring 2009 Series 5 Volume 10
The Eutrophication Process and Its Impacts on Urban Water Management
John Di Turo & Joseph Di Turo
Tischrede: A Call to Survival and Service
J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D.
Growing into Global Awareness
J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D
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