There is such vast research becoming available today it is difficult to disseminate or assimilate. A good qualitative weighing of information requires an expanded development of consciousness thought. This is why we see consciousness information as a blueprint for psychology, physics, sociology, anthropology, linguistics, music and ecumenical theology. Awareness of what should go into our research on consciousness is no less important than its content.
To meaningfully investigate the antiquity of humankind, for example, requires awareness and knowledge of how the influence of ‘consciousness’ works in the creation of civilization itself and how to interpret new findings for the future! We are clearly living at a time when many important archaeological discoveries are coming to light. The Keys of Enoch® foretold about many of these events, especially in the Near East. One of the most exciting areas of new discoveries has been in the area of the Valley of the Kings near Luxor, Egypt. The Valley of the Kings has been now extensively mapped and the vast amount of tombs have been laid out. Perhaps the largest tomb ever discovered there is known as KV (Kings Valley) 5. This is the tomb of Ramses the Great (Ramses II), believed to be the King of the Exodus and also the King who lived the longest of all the Egyptian Kings, dying at about 90 years of age. Under tons of debris, Dr. Kenneth Weeks has come upon details that may tie together one of the most remarkable chapters in ancient history—the missing link of this Pharaoh’s family and the missing links in the history of the Old Testament of the death of Egypt’s first-born son during the tenth plague as mentioned in the Exodus story.
After over ten years of work, an ancient skull from a male killed sometime in his 30’s has emerged from the most massive underground mausoleum. It has been submitted to forensic specialists and cultural anthropologists from Egypt and Europe for careful analysis to determine if there is a genetic match between the genome and facial details of a young prince believed to the be first-born son of Ramses II called Amon-Her-Khepesh. This was documented by a first-class team of specialists working with Dr. Weeks and aired on a two-hour television series for Discovery Channel (July 2006).
The prize connection that has eluded Egyptologists for millennia is now being solved as scholars attempt to discover the genetic link between the skull of KV5 and Ramses’s family lineage and what might have befell the handsome first-born prince connected with the great tribulation and retribution that came upon the Egyptians at the time of the Exodus. Yet what is also important here is that the very complex spelling of a relatively ‘unknown’ son of Ramses II (a possible victim of the Exodus retribution by a Divine act) is mentioned in phonetic spelling in Enoch Key 314 verse 87 in 1973 in the area of Thebes which in its larger context encompasses Luxor, Karnak and the Valley of the Kings and Queens. This name was encoded in The Keys some thirteen years before Weeks and his team began their historic investigations and was to be a sign for the fulfillment of knowledge becoming abundant. Thus, this name in The Keys of Enoch®confirms a larger blueprint of the Exodus story pointing to more things to come! Let us continue to seek a higher ground that can bring understanding to the myth ‘of the eternal return’ and our House of Many Mansions.
— J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D.
Summer/Autumn 2006 Series 5 Volume 2
The Power of Om: Transformation of Consciousness
Audrey Kitagawa
Tischrede: Seed Syllables and Acoustic Linguistics
J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D.
New Windows on “Evolutionary Science” and God
J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D.

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