Dear Friends of the Academy —
Life is vastly accelerating! We are all feeling the changes, including the chaos. For those who can experience some aspect of the Divine in their lives, these are some of the greatest moments in human history, providing opportunities for new growth. We can look around and see the enormous variety of Life spread out on every scale of creation from the atom to the Adam Kadmon. We are learning also that Earth is a very important schoolhouse. We need to make the right decisions so that we can move ahead and not be idle dwellers in our limited and critical mental scenarios.
The Keys of Enoch are like a ‘ladder’ moving us upwards from the limited foundation of physics and biology to the revelation of how all must be transformed, as science moves toward understanding the universe in its interrelationship with The Higher Evolution. Should we just wait for Divine Intervention — and if it comes, what changes will take place in our physical reality? Are people ready to leave behind their cultural and philosophical rivalries? Many remain in doubt, seeing only an end to life as we go through more deadly cataclysms and cross-cultural tragedies, while others await more evidence of other worldly realities, even life on other planets, and possibly other universes. In helping us resolve our questions, we encourage you also to turn to The Divine, and be guided within the many levels of reality as suggested by The Keys of Enoch® in opening the ‘energy fields’ of higher Knowledge.
You may then find that your mission statement revolves around the understanding that can be vocalized as: Tikkun Olam B’malchut Shaddai, that is, to repair the world in the Kingdom of the Almighty, Shaddai. This Knowledge reveals the true nature of the Divine as our blueprint within the evolution of Life, that is within reach of each of us to acquire and use as a guideline for serving the Divine purpose of YHWH and experiencing the Presence of the Christ. Our ongoing evolutionary Story is our spiritual mission that leads to the renewal of consciousness through Divine Thought and Divine Presence. Let us be aware that the coming changes require ongoing engagement through—
- Meditating and continuing to use daily affirmations to build resilience in order to help others under stress as the changes affect each of us. We also need to incorporate “scriptural insights” to build a higher confidence and become stronger in our Faith (Pistis).
- Continuing to work within “groups” to be part of a network of powerful prayers, study and music.
- Giving positive insights to people through positive synergy used with the gifts of “remote viewing,” “remote communication,” and “remote healing” for the planet.
- Understanding the differences between the physical ETs and the spiritual ultraterrestrials (UTs) who respect the Godhead and the living soul-spirit (the Neshamah). The ETs did not create our human experiment, but they do influence it. The UTs/angelics will help in generating a positive psychology in preparation for a “higher transhuman” (not AI based), which is a higher spiritual Light body existence based on our Divine Image.
In all things, may you be blessed in the Divine Work, that you have chosen for this life. Your support of Academy work continues to be vitally important, as it allows for the new Keys to be published in the seven major languages at this crucial moment in the quickening of human history.
Let us rejoice in God’s Name – YHWH – as the seal and pledge of Transformation!
In Love and Compassion,
Drs J.J. & Desiree Hurtak